Revista de Legal Design & Visual Law 2023-08-23T14:13:36+00:00 Marielli Melo Soares de Morais Open Journal Systems <p>Olá, bem-vindo ao Periódico Científico Revista Legal Design, Visual Law, Gestão Jurídica e Metodologias Ágeis. Nosso objetivo é fornecer uma plataforma única como fonte de informação confiável e atualizada para profissionais e pesquisadores que atuam nestas áreas interdisciplinares do Direito e Novas Tecnologias, envolvendo pesquisas e estudos científicos com abordagens teóricas ou casos de aplicação concreta para a promoção, a discussão e o avanço dessas áreas.</p> <p>O objetivo é aliar à prática jurídica com as ferramentas de design, as metodologias ágeis e a gestão jurídica criando, assim, uma conexão entre essas abordagens, outros ramos do Direito, Tecnologia e as demais áreas conexas, além de explorar como a aplicação desses métodos melhoram a compreensão do público sobre o Direito, a eficácia e eficiência do sistema jurídico, aprimorando a comunicação entre: advogados e clientes; juízes, advogados e partes. Também estamos interessados em como essas abordagens trazem agilidade no dia a dia da advocacia pública e privada, departamentos jurídicos, Poder Judiciário e Ministério Público e como podem ajudar a resolver questões legais complexas de forma mais acessível, justa e centrada no ser humano.</p> <p> </p> The implementation of article 4 of the Civil Procedure Code by the Dispute System Design 2023-07-25T12:22:28+00:00 Ianna Menezes Cabanelas <p>This work aims to present the theme of Conflict Management Systems Design and demonstrate how this methodology is able to stimulate a review of Brazilian Justice Systems from a more inclusive and functional perspective. In addition, an attempt was made to explain how the design of the conflict management system is capable of guaranteeing the implementation of the reasonable duration of the process, enshrined in article 4 of the Code of Civil Procedure and in article 5, LXXVIII of the Federal Constitution, without prejudice to the quality of judicial provision, thus contributing to the construction of a dynamic and participatory adversary system. For that, the inductive method and national and foreign bibliographical research were used.</p> 2023-07-28T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Revista de Legal Design & Visual Law Visual language in the communication of the Brazilian judiciary 2023-08-23T14:13:36+00:00 Alejandro Knaesel Arrabal Ana Paula Schulz <p>The research is integrated into the contemporary effort aimed at a law closer to society. Dominated by digital interfaces, the world has become highly visual, a fact that aligns with numerous organizations' expectations of speed and efficiency. The investigation focuses on the use of visual language in the Brazilian judicial system and the identification of its predominant characteristics. It constitutes a bibliographical and documentary research with an exploratory approach. Initiatives and projects applying Visual Law were identified in eighteen Brazilian states, encompassing common law, labor, and federal jurisdictions, including the public defender's and attorney general's offices. In some cases, changes in the form of procedural documents occurred. A preference for supplementary informative tools (summaries and synopses) was also observed. The utilization of Visual Law in the judicial system is recent, with a higher incidence of cases since 2020. As for the characteristics, the "information block" structure stands out, sometimes accompanied by thematic icons.</p> 2023-08-29T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Revista de Legal Design & Visual Law